Thursday, April 3, 2014

We're here!

After 22 hours in the air and 2 lay overs, we arrived in Bangkok. The trip was long, but thankfully uneventful. Our goals to sleep strategically in order to minimize the jet lag, failed miserably (you can't force your kids to sleep on command!), but surprisingly after a decent night sleep last night, we're feeling pretty good.

Today was spent exploring Bangkok. It's a big, busy city of more than 8 million people. The people are very friendly and the weather is HOT! Crazy hot and humid. (But we will not complain about 45 C and very curly hair.).
We started the day with fresh pineapple, watermelon and papaya from a street vendor (so good.).  Then we took the train to the Chao Phraya River (runs through heart of Bangkok)and hopped on a tourist boat to see the city from the vantage point of the water. Bangkok is known as the Venice of the East. It's interesting to see the combination of million dollars hotels next to collapsing shacks.

Our first stop was Tha Tien Pier.  We hopped off the boat and headed to Wat Pho, one of the oldest temples in Bangkok. It is home to the 46 meter long, reclining Buddha. The architecture and details of this temple are amazing. After our temple tour we wandered the  markets,tried the local cuisine and successfully avoided getting run over by a tuk-tuk.  Eating coconut ice cream out of a real half coconut, was probably the high-light in terms of food.  And of course, who could resist going to 7-eleven for slurpees. (7-elevens are everywhere).

The heat and lack of sleep finally took their toll, so we headed back to the hotel for a swim.
All in all, a good day in Bangkok.  Tomorrow we fly to Phuket for some beach time.

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