Sunday, March 23, 2014

Bake Sale Success!

Today the Zone 56 kids (grades 5 & 6) at our church held a bake sale fundraiser for our trip to Thailand. It was a great success!  The kids were so excited to share their wares.  They came bearing cookies, cupcakes, brownies, bread, cinnamon buns, caramel corn, squares, zwieback, home made noodles, pies and more.  It was an amazing spread. Thank you to everyone who donated and to the kids who ran the event like pros! Also, thanks to Sonia for organizing everything.  Over $1200 was raised.  We can't wait to share this money with the people of Chachoengsao.


1 comment:

  1. The zwieback and cinnamon buns were AH-MA-ZING! Good luck in Thailand!!
