Saturday, April 5, 2014

Life on a small Thai Island

We arrived on the small island of Koh Yao Yai yesterday afternoon.  It is a small, quiet place. Relatively untouched compared to many of the surrounding islands.  There's so much to say about this place, but I don't want to bore you with words, so I'll say more with pictures. (Although I'm realizing that the photos I'm taking with our SLR are large and don't load very fast, but the quality is better than with my phone, oh the dilemma.)
Our journey to this island began with a 30 minute boat ride from the mainland of Phuket.  While we were waiting for the boat, we found some wild monkeys hanging around.  Camille and Peyton were excited at first.  Then one of the monkeys decided to jump onto my backpack before leaping to Peyton's backpack.  I think it was all in good fun (monkeys are curious, remember George??), but the girls no longer think monkeys are awesome (not loose ones, at least.)

Upon arrival at Thiwson Resort (an intimate resort of small huts), we were given a tour of our accommodations. The huts are awesome, complete with mosquito nets around the beds and outdoor showers.  The fun began when we discovered a new iguana friend in our shower. I even caught it on video! (tried to upload it into this blog, but it was taking forever.)
We're really enjoying our time here.  Island life is very laid back.  It's amazing to witness how the people here focus on the essentials.  They build the shelters they require (basically a roof over their heads, nothing fancy), they and raise and grow their food, they spend time together and most importantly they live with smiles on their faces.


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