Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Memories of Koh Yao Yai

We left the island of Koh Yao Yai 3 days ago. It was a wonderful, quiet place that hasn't been inundated by Western culture like many of the other southern islands. We were also lucky enough to do a day of 'island hopping' to some nearby uninhabited island jems.  Amazing!  I'll let the pictures do the talking....

The place we stayed...
Our cabin
View of the resort from the water
Keeping the critters out at night
The owner
The pool
The pool with the Andaman Sea in the background

 The local village...
Residential Construction
Exploring along the main highway
Local children.  So excited to see Caucasians.

Our favourite restaurant.  With our friend Edie.

 Island hopping...
Our long boat

A great day thanks to our driver.

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