Sunday, March 23, 2014

Bake Sale Success!

Today the Zone 56 kids (grades 5 & 6) at our church held a bake sale fundraiser for our trip to Thailand. It was a great success!  The kids were so excited to share their wares.  They came bearing cookies, cupcakes, brownies, bread, cinnamon buns, caramel corn, squares, zwieback, home made noodles, pies and more.  It was an amazing spread. Thank you to everyone who donated and to the kids who ran the event like pros! Also, thanks to Sonia for organizing everything.  Over $1200 was raised.  We can't wait to share this money with the people of Chachoengsao.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

We're getting ready for a journey...

This is going to be a journey.  A journey of faith and adventure. In 10 days we leave for Thailand.  A place we have never been, a culture we don't know and a language we can't understand.  But we are excited!  God's called us on this journey and we are open to what He has in store for us.

Why Thailand?  
Good question.  Last Fall our friends, Wendy & Darcy Ens, started planning their mission trip to Thailand through MB Missions with the support of their home church, La Salle Fellowship. 
Jack, Brianna, Darcy, Wendy, Luke & Katie Ens

The call was to go to a small city called Chachoegnsao (about 1 hour east of Bangkok) to work with Dave and Louise Sinclair-Peters (full time missionaries who have been church planting in the area since 2000.) The work would include assisting with VBS programs, teaching ESL, and supporting Dave & Louise in anyway possible. Wendy, Darcy and their family were content to go on their own, but thought a team would make the trip even better.  (Insert the Dyck family.)  We were unsure at first.  So many questions. How would we get the time off work? How could we fund this? Could we take our girls out of school for a month?  Would this trip make best use of our skills? But as we talked and prayed about it, we realized this was an opportunity we couldn't say no to. We are still unsure about what our exact tasks will be, but we are eager to roll with whatever is thrown our way. (Our new motto..."We'll fly by the seat of our pants!"  Easier said than done for a couple of planners.)

What's Next?
  • March 23 (Tomorrow) -  the Zone 56 class at our church will be holding a fundraising bake sale.  Proceeds raised will go towards supplies for the Hope Centre (the main mission location where we'll be working in Chachoegnsao).
  • April 1-10 - We'll be doing some personal family traveling in Bangkok and Southern Thailand
  • April 11 - April 30 - We will meet up with the Ens's in Chachoegnsao and start our adventure with Dave & Louise
  • May 1 - Travel back to Winnipeg
We look forward to posting on a regular basis so that our family and friends can enjoy this journey with us! 
