Sunday, May 11, 2014

Thinking back to those last days in Thailand

We're officially back in the swing of things at home.  It's taken some time to get over jet lag and integrate into "the norm".  To be quite honest, the hardest struggle has been to not return to normal, but to remain changed.  We all experienced something exceptional in Thailand.  (And I'm not referring to 50 C.) We were able to "be" and not always "do".  We were able to connect even when language wasn't on our side.  We heard people share stories of God's hand in their lives and we shared ours without reservation.  We learned the joy of living in simplicity.  At home we have so much, yet we tend to get wrapped up in many things that mean so little.  So I hope that if you're reading this, you'll ask us about our experience and challenge us to continue changing and growing.

Our last 3 days in Chachoengsao were spent leading teen camp.  This was a great group of young people.  We started out the week discussing Spiritual Gifts.  Everyone filled out at questionnaire and then tallied the results to see what their gifts were (kind of like a career aptitude test you take in school.)  It was fun to watch everyone start to 'tweek' into their strengths and the strengths of their friends.
Our next topic was being part of God's family.  We emphasized how everyone has a biological / earthly family, but we also have a family under God and we are part of His family tree.  Since we were leaving that evening, it was a great ending topic.  Our physical separation from them doesn't  mean we are no longer connected.  It was also the perfect opportunity to share a 'Life in Manitoba' video that Darcy put together (clips of both of our families doing various outdoor activities, mainly in winter.  The Thai people get a real kick out of snow.)  
Some of the other activities for that week included baking apple crisp, manicures for the girls, games for the boys and a swimming party (which, unfortunately, we had to miss since we were heading back home.  Wendy and Darcy lead the camp on their own for Thursday and Friday.)  We also had a ton of fun singing together. A huge highlight was learning "Chewy, Chewy".  A fun Thai song that became a fast favourite for all us westerners.  (I've got a video if anyone wants to see it.)

Teen camp (with a few pre-teens)
Making apple crisp

Eating apple crisp       
Boat taking Camille on her first motorbike ride

Our time in Chachoengsao ended with a prayer of sending and many tears.  We were very blessed to have met so many special people.  Thank you to Sandy, Rebecca, Dave, Louise, Koi, Knot, Benz, Boat, Nan, Ajan Nat and so many others for blessing us with memories we will never forget and hearts that will remained changed.

Dave, Louise, Sandy & Rebecca (Our fearless leaders)
Knot & Koi (thanks for showing us all that Chachoegnsao has to offer)
Nan, Boat & Benz (ministry interns and tireless translators)
Ajan (Pastor) Nat (she tells it like it is!)
Departing from the Bangkok airport